What is Blowing Dust Or Sand?

Air laden with sand and dust, common in areas devoid of permanent vegetation, especially deserts.


A periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, significantly influencing global...

The branch of science dealing with the laws of motion of air or other gases.

Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air cools and changes into liquid water. This process is crucial...

Nor'easter is a meteorological event commonly observed in the Northeastern United States and typically occurs during the...

Ice forms on the surface of highways in a very thin layer that is difficult to distinguish from the color of the asphalt...

The upward movement of air caused by a topographic barrier, such as a mountain, which can lead to cloud formation and precipitation.

Convection is the vertical movement of air caused by temperature differences, where warm air rises and cool air sinks. It...

Although it is also used for light winds, it is the general name given to the daily cyclical winds that occur mostly between...

The state of the atmosphere when it contains the maximum amount of water vapor possible at a given temperature and pressure.

Local winds that blow from slopes to peaks as a result of the heating of the top slopes without being affected by general...

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