What is Aerodynamics?

The branch of science dealing with the laws of motion of air or other gases.


A distinct layer in a body of water where the temperature changes rapidly with depth, separating warmer surface water from...

Anticyclones are areas of high atmospheric pressure that bring hot, dry weather in the summer and cold fronts in the winter.

A scale for estimating wind speed based on observed conditions of the sea or land. It ranges from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane)...

Weather conditions are the components that comprise the state of the atmosphere. The six main weather conditions are temperature,...

Coastal flooding occurs when water from the ocean, sea, or large lakes inundates land areas along the coast, usually due...

A measure of how hot it feels when relative humidity is combined with the actual air temperature, often referred to as the...

Although it is also used for light winds, it is the general name given to the daily cyclical winds that occur mostly between...

Kesilmiş alçak basınç sistemi, ana atmosferik dolaşım sistemlerinden tamamen izole olmuş bir alçak basınç sistemidir....

A strong, downward wind caused by a localized column of air sinking rapidly, often resulting in damage similar to that caused...

Weather intelligence is technology that provides predictive and actionable insights, allowing businesses to adapt to weather-related...

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