What is Frozen Drizzle?
Frozen drizzle is a dangerous type of frozen rain. It’s a light rain that falls in very fine drops, which freezes on contact with the ground or an object near the ground. It forms a glassy surface on the object or ground at the point of freezing.
A weather watch means there is a risk of weather hazards in the near future, which could pose a threat to life/property....
A small, intense downdraft that produces damaging winds at the surface, typically lasting a few minutes and often associated...
A large, organized thunderstorm with a rotating updraft, often producing severe weather such as tornadoes, hail, and heavy...
The large-scale movement of air that distributes heat and moisture around the Earth, influencing weather patterns and climatic...
A cold core high is a high-pressure system with cold air at its center. These systems are typically associated with clear...
Weather is the day-to-day meteorological conditions that happen in our atmosphere. Weather can change within minutes, which...
A weather system refers to the movement of warm and cold air across the globe, usually in a recurring pattern. Systems can...
Although it is also used for light winds, it is the general name given to the daily cyclical winds that occur mostly between...
Large, fluffy white clouds with flat bases, typically indicating fair weather, though they can develop into storm clouds...
A periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, significantly influencing global...
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