What is Sublimation?
The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas without first becoming a liquid, such as ice turning into water vapor.
Conduction is the transfer of heat or electricity through a material without the material itself moving. This occurs when...
A line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure, used to identify high and low-pressure systems.
The large-scale movement of air that distributes heat and moisture around the Earth, influencing weather patterns and climatic...
Frozen drizzle is a dangerous type of frozen rain. It’s a light rain that falls in very fine drops, which freezes on contact...
Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark, gray clouds associated with rainy and gloomy days that block the Sun. These clouds,...
Güneş ışığının geçmesine izin verip ısının atmosferden kaçmasını engelleyen karbondioksit ve metan gibi sera...
Coastal flooding occurs when water from the ocean, sea, or large lakes inundates land areas along the coast, usually due...
A measurement determined by the wave lengths and sea conditions caused by the effect of wind, and by the movement of tree...
An elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure, often associated with unsettled weather conditions like storms...
Weather conditions are the components that comprise the state of the atmosphere. The six main weather conditions are temperature,...
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