What is Polar Vortex?

A polar vortex is a circulating mass of air in the atmosphere, typically found in polar regions. This rotating air mass occurs in both the stratosphere and troposphere at high latitudes, close to the poles. It is formed by the rotation of cold, dense air.


Condensation pressure deficit refers to the difference between the actual vapor pressure and the saturation vapor pressure...

A body that has the property of absorbing all electromagnetic radiation falling on it, and therefore is the theoretical body...

An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.

Local winds that blow from slopes to peaks as a result of the heating of the top slopes without being affected by general...

In a severe storm, with a swirling motion in its left rear quadrant, a vertically rotating column of air, often seen with...

Snow that rises to 8 feet or higher.

A prefix used in cloud nomenclature to describe middle-altitude clouds that form between 6,500 and 20,000 feet, such as altostratus...

Kesilmiş alçak basınç sistemi, ana atmosferik dolaşım sistemlerinden tamamen izole olmuş bir alçak basınç sistemidir....

A cloud that develops from Cirrus, completely or partially covering the sky, creating a halo effect, thin, sheet-like, milky...

The branch of science dealing with the laws of motion of air or other gases.

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