What is Bow Echo?

An image on the weather radar that is convex to the direction of movement and resembles an arc shape, caused by mesoscale convective movements along a strong thunderstorm line.


Kesilmiş alçak basınç sistemi, ana atmosferik dolaşım sistemlerinden tamamen izole olmuş bir alçak basınç sistemidir....

A cloud of irregular appearance, composed of irregular cloud fragments.

Coastal flooding occurs when water from the ocean, sea, or large lakes inundates land areas along the coast, usually due...

A body that has the property of absorbing all electromagnetic radiation falling on it, and therefore is the theoretical body...

Thermodynamic changes occurring within a system without any exchange of heat with the surroundings. In the atmosphere, changes...

A condition in which the stratification of the atmosphere depends on both air temperature and pressure, and where surfaces...

Snow that rises to 8 feet or higher.

A large, organized thunderstorm with a rotating updraft, often producing severe weather such as tornadoes, hail, and heavy...

The expected rate of temperature decrease in an adiabatically rising air parcel when there is no heat exchange with the environment....

Anticyclones are areas of high atmospheric pressure that bring hot, dry weather in the summer and cold fronts in the winter.

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