What is Low Clouds?

A term used to identify clouds with a base height below 6,000 feet in the observer's direction. Stratiform clouds consist of stratus and stratocumulus clouds, while cumuliform clouds include cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds. The cloud base heights vary according to the warm or cold regions.


Thermodynamic changes occurring within a system without any exchange of heat with the surroundings. In the atmosphere, changes...

Local winds that blow from slopes to peaks as a result of the heating of the top slopes without being affected by general...

The narrow region between 35-40 ° N and S latitudes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, lying between the tropical...

A term used to identify clouds with a base height below 6,000 feet in the observer's direction. Stratiform clouds consist...

A mass of very cold, dry air that mostly originates over the Arctic Ocean.

An anvil is a cloud mostly composed of ice particles. Otherwise known as a cumulonimbus cloud, an anvil has reached the stratospheric...

Perhaps you have come across them, maybe you are seeing them for the first time. These clouds, known as wave clouds, resemble...

A cloud that develops from Cirrus, completely or partially covering the sky, creating a halo effect, thin, sheet-like, milky...

The amount of radiation, heat, or light passing through or flowing from a unit area of a surface.

A body that has the property of absorbing all electromagnetic radiation falling on it, and therefore is the theoretical body...

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