What is Acid Rain?

Cloud or rain droplets containing pollutants, such as oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, to make them acidic.


A sudden and rapid flow of snow masses accumulated on the slopes of mountainous areas under the influence of gravity or a...

Nor'easter is a meteorological event commonly observed in the Northeastern United States and typically occurs during the...

A strong, downward wind caused by a localized column of air sinking rapidly, often resulting in damage similar to that caused...

A type of cloud consisting mostly of small particles such as ice particles.

Although it is also used for light winds, it is the general name given to the daily cyclical winds that occur mostly between...

The heating of the Earth by the sun causes daily changes in both the direction and speed of the wind. During the day, ground...

A distinct layer in a body of water where the temperature changes rapidly with depth, separating warmer surface water from...

An instrument that continuously records atmospheric pressure over time. It uses a barometer to measure pressure and creates...

A blizzard is a storm that lasts 3 hours or more, with persistent winds/frequent gusts of 35 mph or more along with significant...

A term used to identify clouds with a base height below 6,000 feet in the observer's direction. Stratiform clouds consist...

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