What is Kesilmiş Alçak Basınç Sistemi?
Kesilmiş alçak basınç sistemi, ana atmosferik dolaşım sistemlerinden tamamen izole olmuş bir alçak basınç sistemidir. Bu sistemler, yüksek basınç alanlarıyla çevrilidir ve belirli bir bölgede uzun süreli yağmur, gök gürültülü fırtına veya soğuk hava koşulları gibi sürekli hava durumlarına neden olabilir.
A prefix used in cloud nomenclature to describe middle-altitude clouds that form between 6,500 and 20,000 feet, such as altostratus...
A periodic cooling of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, often leading to altered global...
The expected rate of temperature decrease in an adiabatically rising air parcel when there is no heat exchange with the environment....
A large body of air having similar horizontal temperature and moisture characteristics.
A body that has the property of absorbing all electromagnetic radiation falling on it, and therefore is the theoretical body...
An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Ice forms on the surface of highways in a very thin layer that is difficult to distinguish from the color of the asphalt...
A distinct layer in a body of water where the temperature changes rapidly with depth, separating warmer surface water from...
The amount of radiation, heat, or light passing through or flowing from a unit area of a surface.
A condition in which the stratification of the atmosphere depends on both air temperature and pressure, and where surfaces...
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