What is Anemometer?

An instrument used to measure the speed, force, and sometimes the direction of the wind. It can be cup or pressure tube anemometers. The type with a recorder is called an anemograph, and the diagram recorded on it is called an anemogram.


Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air cools and changes into liquid water. This process is crucial...

The percentage of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature.

A long, narrow region in the atmosphere that transport water vapor, like a river in the sky.

The trapping of heat in the Earth's atmosphere due to greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which allows...

The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas without first becoming a liquid, such as ice turning into water...

Ice forms on the surface of highways in a very thin layer that is difficult to distinguish from the color of the asphalt...

A middle cloud type within the B family in the international cloud classification. These clouds consist of water droplets...

A scale for estimating wind speed based on observed conditions of the sea or land. It ranges from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane)...

Although it is also used for light winds, it is the general name given to the daily cyclical winds that occur mostly between...

An elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure, often associated with unsettled weather conditions like storms...

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