
An instrument used to measure the speed, force, and sometimes the direction of the wind. It can be cup or pressure tube anemometers. The type with a recorder is called an anemograph, and the diagram recorded on it is called an anemogram.


Local winds that blow from slopes to peaks as a result of the heating of the top slopes without being affected by general...

Jet streams are strong, fast-flowing air currents in the upper levels of the atmosphere. They form when warm air masses meet...

Observation of the sky from the observer's location where there are no clouds, and there is no obstruction to visibility....

The jet stream forming the boundary between tropical air and sub-tropical air, characterized by isothermal compression and...

A weather system refers to the movement of warm and cold air across the globe, usually in a recurring pattern. Systems can...

Perhaps you have come across them, maybe you are seeing them for the first time. These clouds, known as wave clouds, resemble...

Indicates the amount of water the soil can absorb/retain through percolation. This capacity is around 7% in sandy soil and...

Anticyclones are areas of high atmospheric pressure that bring hot, dry weather in the summer and cold fronts in the winter.

A low-pressure area with converging winds, rotating counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern...

The occurrence of storms resulting from the horizontal advection of cold air at high levels or the horizontal advection of...

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