What is Anemometer?
An instrument used to measure the speed, force, and sometimes the direction of the wind. It can be cup or pressure tube anemometers. The type with a recorder is called an anemograph, and the diagram recorded on it is called an anemogram.
A thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the Earth's surface, significantly reducing visibility.
An anvil is a cloud mostly composed of ice particles. Otherwise known as a cumulonimbus cloud, an anvil has reached the stratospheric...
Kesilmiş alçak basınç sistemi, ana atmosferik dolaşım sistemlerinden tamamen izole olmuş bir alçak basınç sistemidir....
Condensation pressure deficit refers to the difference between the actual vapor pressure and the saturation vapor pressure...
The large-scale movement of air that distributes heat and moisture around the Earth, influencing weather patterns and climatic...
A periodic cooling of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, often leading to altered global...
A long, narrow region in the atmosphere that transport water vapor, like a river in the sky.
A middle cloud type within the B family in the international cloud classification. These clouds consist of water droplets...
Air laden with sand and dust, common in areas devoid of permanent vegetation, especially deserts.
A middle cloud type within the B family in the international cloud classification. These are shaded clouds that can be white...
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