What is Clear Air Turbulance?

The term used for turbulence occurring in the absence of clouds or cloud-like elements in the visible area. It is often observed in jet-stream areas, particularly in the upper troposphere to lower stratosphere. Open-air turbulence can also be seen near mountains and in closed low-pressure centers when there is wind shear.


The occurrence of storms resulting from the horizontal advection of cold air at high levels or the horizontal advection of...

A term used to identify clouds with a base height below 6,000 feet in the observer's direction. Stratiform clouds consist...

The belt between 50-70 ° N and S latitudes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, adjacent to the Polar Region. Although...

The state of the atmosphere when it contains the maximum amount of water vapor possible at a given temperature and pressure.

Convection is the vertical movement of air caused by temperature differences, where warm air rises and cool air sinks. It...

A middle cloud type within the B family in the international cloud classification. These are shaded clouds that can be white...

A strong wind typically ranging from 34 to 40 knots (39 to 46 miles per hour) and often associated with rough seas and stormy...

Weather conditions are the components that comprise the state of the atmosphere. The six main weather conditions are temperature,...

Temperature scale, abbreviated as °C, found by accepting the freezing point of water at one atmospheric pressure as zero...

A thermodynamic change process in the system without any exchange of heat or transfer of energy between systems. This process...

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